How did bees make honey?
Honey bees are responsible for making honey, and this is hard work for honey bees, in fact, 1 lb.of honey=1.000 of bees need to fly 75.000 miles, and they have to eat up to 8.000.00 flowers, to only make 1 lb of honey.
Firstly bees need to found a food source, and the food source is the flowers. When bees find a flower, first they shave their head and use their tongue, suck the nectar out of the flower into a special stoma called the honey stomach.
After that on the way of getting to their hive the bees break down the staff that is in their stomach into honey.
Thirdly when they get to the hive, the bee gives the sweet golden thing into another worker's mouth, and they just keep doing this for a long time, and also this is a very important part of all the instructions.
This is how honey bees make honey, it’s very hard, and all of those instructions are important to the bees, this is what they do, and how they make honey for us.
HI, Harry I think you can put some picture. The information is really good.