
Thursday 25 June 2020


Hi guys
This week I have read a book called Kahawai, and here is my task and my answer.
Describe Āreta’s personality
Kind, helpful,

When and where is the story set?
Beach, danger polluted water unsafe.

What do you think has happened?
Areta and Trish found a fish in the polluted sea, then they let it go.

How did Trish feel when they found the Kahawai?
Happy, excited

What is the message from the author?
Save any animal as possible as you can, and don’t throw the rubbish in the sea.

Write a short story about what happened first (a prequel).
Areta and Trish, are the people who clear the sea.
Areta and Trish Dragged the old tin boat along the beach, soon they were out on the
swell, this boat used to have a motor, but now they had to use sweat if they
wanted to get anywhere.

What does radiation mean?

the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially
high-energy particles which cause ionization.

Here is my DLO

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