
Wednesday 20 November 2019


Hi guys
today we have planted some sunflowers, watermelon, also have clean the bush, and we have found three chairs behind the bush, and now we were trying to get the chair out, luckily I found a potato under the ground, and I fell so happy and excited about that, and at the end we pick up the staffs on the ground and, then we just go back to class.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

inspired writing.

Hi guys, today we have write inspired writing, and we can choose a lot of images to write about, and I have chosen an image that is about a snack, and here is my writing.

  1. There was a snack on the tree
  2. There was a big snack on the tree 
  3. There was a big snack laying on the tree, as fast as the lion catch the animals, the snack has caught his prey.
  4. There was a big horrible, dangerous snake lying on the old, big tree, as fast as a cheetah catch the animals, the snake has caught his prey.
  5. There was a big horrible, dangerous snake lying on the old, big tree, and excited about catching his first prey.
  6. There was a dark black dangerous, Rattlesnake as big as an elephant, he lay on the old, big tree, and excited about catches his first prey, as fast as a cheetah catch the animals, the snack has caught his prey.
Black Mamba

at first we write a simple sentence, and we just add up the word and some describe word. And right now I need to write about my VOCAB, and U give my self an R5 because I didn't do so well and I did not write that much information and describe words.

Friday 8 November 2019

Thursday 7 November 2019

My Learning story

Title:                    climate chaos                      
Name: Harry Shi
Teachers: Mt/PL
Date: 7/11/2019
Year 8 Graduate Profile
Highlight the parts of the Profile you are now doing on a regular basis
In your reflection think about how you displayed the CARR values
and what curriculum skills you learned. 
People Smart
  • I listen to understand people’s ideas and opinions
  • I can work successfully with others
  • I understand how my feelings and actions can affect others
  • I act responsibly even when no one is watching
  • I can give useful feedback to others
  • I take responsibility for my own actions
  • I am outstanding – I choose to help others who are having a difficult time 
Active Learner
  • I am a curious learner – I ask questions
  • I use feedback to improve my learning
  • I have a growth mindset
  • I know what my next steps are
  • I share my ideas and point of view with different people
Learning Smart
  • I am organized and have everything that is needed for my learning
  • I complete my work in the time I’m given
  • I am punctual by being in the right place at the right time
  • I manage my emotions when I am frustrated or challenged
  • I ask for help when I don’t understand what to do
Thinking Smart
  • I can reflect on my learning
  • I understand others’ opinions and ideas
  • I can think critically
  • I can think creatively 
Cyber Smart
  • I use the internet and devices in a safe way
  • I can be trusted to use my device for the task I am meant to be doing
  • I can use digital tools creatively
  • I can use digital tools for different purposes
What we did:
  • Water Cycle experiments
  • Solar oven experiments
  • Renewable energy
  • Carbon footprint
  • greenhouse gas
  • The climate in the future
  • Extreme weather wind power
  • Decombesation
  • Acidification
  • My investigation on climate changes
  • Ice cag melt
  • How does water vapor and evaporation contribute to climate change
What I learned:
  • I learned how to mack solar oven and how was the solar oven work.
  • I learned how was acidification affects climate change.
  • I learned how was Icecap melt affects climate change.
  • I learned what is carbon footprint.
  • What thing can mack CO2
  • I learned the main part of solar panels
What I enjoyed:
  • I was really enjoyed with videos about defense information.
  • I have really enjoyed it when we mack our solar oven.
  • I was really enjoyed when we to some experiments at outside
  • I was really enjoyed when we do the water cycle experiment.
What I found difficult:
  • I found so difficult when we did a solar oven because my group doesn’t know how to mack it.
  • I found difficult when I blog about the water cycle experiments.
  • Sometimes I found difficult when I work with our ground.
  • I found difficult when we work with another class.

Carbon Footprint

My Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint explained ( Youtube)

Carbon Footprint handout

You will need:

  1. 2 different coloring pencils
  2. The Carbon Footprint Handout.
We will look at our Carbon Footprint under the following headings.

  • Dwelling
  • Water
  • Recreation
  • Heating and cooling
  • Electricity
  • Transportation
  • Food
  • Waste
  • Air Travel
  • Consumption

Colour 1: for actions, they are already doing 
Colour 2: for actions that they pledge to undertake in the future

List 5 of the actions you pledge to undertake in the future.

  1.   I will conserve every chance I get.
  2.   In the future, I will usually just hang out with my friends at one of our houses
  3.   I will use energy-efficient light bulbs and turn things off every chance I get.
  4.   I will try to bike or walk every chance I walk or bike everywhere.
  5.   I will shop as little as possible and am considerate of the environment.

Wednesday 6 November 2019


Hi guys
Today we have work in the garden, and we have planted a lot of plants, and also we have dike so many holes for planting.

first, we get the staff we need, and we dike tow lines of the hole, and we have planted some potato in there, also we have clean some grass to get more spaces for others things to plant, and also we have clean so dust in the outside classroom, and it was so fun when we plant potato, because we can play around with the dust, and also it was so tairt, but it was still fun  .

Monday 4 November 2019

climate in the further

Aim; To look at the different ways we can prevent climate change in the future.

What places will be affected?
beach, and the place near to the sea 

What else do we need to think about?
when the sea-level is going up then the people will get more sold water.

What other places around NZ will be affected?
beach and someplace near the water some land around the coastal.

What does this do to our drinking water?
our drinking water will be more sold water

What are the main concerns?

  1.   some ocean animals will die because they usually live in cold water 
  2. the climate changes

What can we do?
  1.  use electric car
  2.    less greenhouse gas

What is the one, silver bullet solution?

is nothing

What is the mix of things we need to start doing?
  1.   using solar heating 
  2.   drive electric cars
  3. using renewable energy
What are 3 others you can think of?
  1.   walking
  2. tack bus to school or somewhere else
  3.   bike

    Saturday 2 November 2019


    The people in the story 

    Mom, Lazer, dad

    1. at lunchtime, Lazer was going to ask his mom (happy) ''can I go outside and play with my friend'' and the mom '' no you can't because you need to do your work.
    2. Dad comes and tells Lazer ''you can go outside and play'' just when Lazer goes out mom tells him angry ''come back, your needs to do your work.
    3. Lazer said (sad) ok I will finish my work, and Lazer has gone to his room and do his homework, Mom go to mack the diner, and dad come to Lazer's room and said (kindly) ''do you need some help'' and Lazer (cray) I'm fin.
    4. Dad said '' you can go to play after you finish your homework'' Lazer (happily) said'' yes, I will finish my homework very quickly'' then the last Lazer has finished his homework and go to play with his friend.

    Friday 1 November 2019


    child emotions were the same as adults.

    The adults' emotions can be the same as the child, they get frustrated, excited, nervous, sad, jealous, frightened, worried, angry and embarrassed. 

    But the child can't talk to others about the feelings, and when adults are getting angry they will probably use the body language to solve the problem, and the adults will probably cantrel the power, but when the child uses the body language they probably can't control the power, and it will probably hurt someone.

    the child can't control theyér mood, and when the child get angry they will hurt the people around them, and they can be controlled by the adults, and the adults can control themselves.


    Hi guys
    Today Drama we have seen tow videos and we have tolking about those tow video and we have found out some emotions in those tow videos, and how they show the emotions.

    My favorite one was the show that with Mr. Bean, and the emotions I can see in the video was happy, scared and excited, so at the start of the show, Mr. Bean has sat down on a long chair and he saw there was another rich man and the rich man was eating the sandwich but Mr. Bean doesn't have a sandwich so he mack one by himself, and when he smells this is where I see he feels happy.

    here is the video

    Thursday 31 October 2019

    To make a presentation that investigates different renewable energy.

    Aim: To make a presentation that investigates different renewable energy.

    1. Hydro Energy: when the water is moving, it can give the kinetic power, and this kinetic energy can give the power to every house or to the power plant. hydro energy is from the movement of the water. when we build a power plant we need to build an aer that has moving water.
    2. Solar Energy: solar energy is where you get power from the sun, and the power from solar energy is also given to power plants, but solar energy is better than hydro energy because solar energy is getting the electric power from the sun, and the sun will never disappear. but when the water is not moving or when the water is disappearing, the hydro energy will can't use.
    3. Wind Energy: wind energy is where you get the power from the wind, and it also is giving power to power plants, and they usually use windmills or wind turbines to harnessing or capture the wind and when the windmills are spinning around, and they will get the power.
    4. Wave Energy: wave energy was when the ocean surface is a wave. and the power is getting from the wave, and wave energy was like transport energy by ocean surface.

    1. Type: Hydro
    1. Is it used in NZ? Yes
    1. Other Countries that use it? Over more than 150
    1. How is it used to generate electricity? Hydropower plants capture the energy from falling water into a mechanical energy machine.
    1. Draw and label a diagram of the main parts of the electricity generator? This can be done on paper and uploaded or on a drawing program on your device. I do not want any Internet images or pictures. They must be hand-drawn using a ruler and labeled.

    1. Type: Solar
    1. Is it used in NZ? Yes
    1. Other Countries that use it? Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, the United States, and Czechia, there were 6 countries use it.
    1. How is it used to generate electricity? Solar panels convert the sun's rays into electricity that we can use, so the sun's rays are where the energy comes from.
    1. Draw and label a diagram of the main parts of the electricity generator? This can be done on paper and uploaded or on a drawing program on your device. I do not want any Internet images or pictures. 

      1. Type: Wind
      2. Is it used in NZ? Yes
      3. Other Countries that use it?  France, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, The United States, and China, there were 7 county use it.
      4. How is it used to generate electricity? Wind turbines convert the energy in the wind into a mechanical power then it can help homes, and this wind can also change to electricity and this is how the energy come from
      1. Type: Wave 
      2. Is it used in NZ? Yes
      3. Other Countries that use it? The western coast of Scotland, northern Canada, southern Africa, Australia, and the Northwest Coast of the United States. there was 6 county use it  
      4. How is it used to generate electricity? There is equipment on the surface of the ocean the gets energy from the movement in the water. 
      5. Draw and label a diagram of the main parts of the electricity generator? This can be done on paper and uploaded or on a drawing program on your device. I do not want any Internet images or pictures. They must be hand-drawn using a ruler and labeled.

    List 10 ways that renewable energy will be used in the future to replace our current activities.

    1. Solar energy can give electricity to the light
    2. In the future, electricity from solar energy can give to TV  
    3. solar energy can power the electric car.
    4. solar energy can be heat the water because it gives the electricity to the electric kettle 
    5. Solar energy can charge the phone because it gives the electricity to charge
    6. solar energy can also use for fans because it can give the electricity to the fans 
    7. in the future, it may give the electricity to the door and help the door open by themself 
    8. solar energy can change to electricity and use for other things. 
    9. also, the same solar energy may help the window 
    10. in the future, it can give the electric to the train so the train can be dive by himself so the people don's need to do anything.

    To make a solar-powered oven

    Aim: To make a solar-powered oven.


    1.   tape
    2.   pizza box
    3.   tinfoil
    4.   black plastic bag
    5.   ruler
    6.   plastic wrap
    7.   scissors
    8. stick 
    9. newspaper 
    1.   use scissors to cut out a little square on the top of the pizza box, but don't cut out all top, just cut out the square in the middle of the pizza box, and mack suer is not too big or too small
    2.  put tinfoil around the square that you have cut.
    3.   use tape to tape around the square and mack sure you tape the tinfoil together with the square and mack suer that is tight.
    4.   open the pizza box, and put the plastic wrap at the top of the pizza box lid, but mack sure you use the tape to tape the plastic wrap with the pizza box lid.
    5.   put the newspaper around the inside of the pizza box.
    6.   you have done. 

    Conclusion: there was not too much sunlight so the solar oven was not working well.

    Friday 25 October 2019

    Thursday 24 October 2019

    What is your Carbon Footprint?

    What is your Carbon Footprint?

    You are now going to look at your own carbon footprint by taking a questionnaire. Remember to 'Add details to improve accuracy'.

    Based on the questionnaire what is your:

    1. Ecological Footprint
    2. Carbon Footprint

    How many planets did you have?
    2.3 earth 

    What is your personal Earth overshoot day?
    07 Jun

    Name 2 of the tips.

    1.   biking to school or use the bus
    2.   when you go on holidays close your computer

    Video questions:

    What has human activity done to our planet?
    we use so many further fillers to mack the energy, and there was too many CO 2 in the sky when we thought more rubbish, then there will have more CO2 come out.

    What is Zero Waste?
    Definition: when people use less rubbish is possible is we can

    What stuff has a carbon footprint?
    further fillers 

    What are 2 easy things to help our planet?
    1.   separate up the rubbish so we don't pur so much rubbish in one rubbish bun and some of the rubbish and disappear.
    2.    tuen off your light when you go holidays.
    What do we need to recycle?

    1. rubbish
    2. further fillers
    What does recycling do to our plant?
    when we recycling some clean rubbish then we may reuse the clean rubbish.

    How much of our rubbish is made up of food scraps?
    What does methane gas do to our planet?
    it was 84x more potent than co2 over the short term

    What does soil due to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
    soil can hold down the CO2, and soil was 3x of the trees.
    What do using zero waste practices do to our planet?
    when we start doing zero waste we actually can hold down the CO2 and other bad things, also zero waste can let our plants smell nice because when  we doing zero waste we actually dot through the rubbishi in a mix ban, we can through the rubbish in a lot of deffrien dtypes of rabbishi ban.

      What is a carbon footprint?

      carbon footprint was when some thing is brinf Co2 or other bad staffs, and carbon footprint was like rubbish, the foot we eat, and othere things.