
Friday 27 September 2019


The 5 ways to be healthy when you are nature :
  • go outside and go to fitness a week
  • mack suer, you take shower every day
  • choose to eat healthily
  • sleep 7-8 hours every day
  • water the plants
describe one way you enjoy the outdoors and set a goal for aa new outdoor activity.

The one way I enjoy the outdoors sport was, basketball and football, the only time I go outside and play were when I need a break and when my dad said I can go and my new goal was to get better at basketball and get better in football.

Image result for basketball court

some times when I need a break I will tell my mom and we will go to the beach or go to the basketball court, and the reason why this is very important for me was that the basketball was the most fun place to go to, also basketball court was the most place to break for, and it was the most place I can go and play with my family.

Now I will share a creation story to you guys

In old China, there was a person named Pangu, and he was a god in China and he was the person who mack the world, so the story was like this when Pangu wack up there was all black around him, and he has found an axe on the ground, and then he found this axe was so magical so one day he was playing around with the axe, just then he saw there was a crack at up of his heat, and he chopping the creak with his axe, and then the creak creak up then, it spilled into half and one part is the sky and another one is the land. this is how the world comes from

Thursday 26 September 2019

My Investigation on climate change Sci

My Investigation on climate change


Definition: acidification is when the ocean has damaged the pH, and when the CO2 is too high, then that means the more Ph damaged in the ocean

What is happening to the oceans?
  • it damaged the ocean, so the pH of the ocean is Higher.
  • it will damage the animal in the ocean.

What does this do to shellfish?
  • The shellfish will have no home, and the shellfish will die by the other big ocean animal because some of the ocean animals will eat them.
  • and it will damage the coral shell.
How does climate change contribute to the acidification of our ocean?
there was some CO2 upon the sky, and the water will suck the CO2, which sounds good but actually, it was bab for the ocean because when the water sucked CO2 then that means there was so many avid in the ocean which let the pH goes lower, and the  healthy of the ocean was goes lower and some of the ocean animals will have no home. and this is also bab for people

deforestationImage result for acidification

definition: cutting trees out and didn't replant them.

what are trees used for?
mack more house and they cutting trees out for spaces

how does deforestation affect the climate?
more trees more water vapor come out, and more trees more oxygen.
Image result for deforestation

ice cap melt

definition: ice cao melting

if all the ice melted what would happen?
some seawater animal will die because they are usually living in the saltwater

how does ice cap melt affect climate change?
when the ice is melt then it will get colder.

Image result for ice cap melt

Wednesday 25 September 2019

New Classroom

H guys
On Monday our new Kahui has complete, the name of our new Kahui are Tieke, and it tacks 2 years to build this Kahui. Today I got tolking about some feel and what saw when I first walk into our Kahui.

When I walk into our building I saw there were so many rooms in the classroom and I got confusing, also an amazing thing was that all classroom are all the same, and I saw there were so many square lights on the roof also there were so many big fans up on the roof, and I also saw there was a light at the top of the TV. and the amazing thing was that we are sharing our classroom with two senior class.

When I walked into our new building I thought why there are so many different rooms in the classroom, and I thought why we are mixup tow class, so actually in this classroom, there was tow class in one classroom, and I thought thins mast be hard to work with, but actually when we work with other class, that is not like that hard to work with, but just too many people in the classroom. and I thought it mat be so noisy in the classroom because we was sharing our classroom with tow senior class.

When I walked into our new bulding I felt so excited because that is a new Kahui and we can see some new staffs, and I the other reason was that we have are our science classroom and art classroom, so we can work in a special science classroom like this classroom is only for science, and it was fun also there was so many science staff around the classroom =, and those staffs are all new and we haven't seen them in the old Kahui.

This is what I saw, thought, felt when I first come into our new Kahui.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Hi guys
today I have written something about my self., also I have written a poem, here are my poem

Black Sky 
Beautiful blue light 
Ice white 
Snow fly 
Float past mountain
Then become water
Witch burn river 
Crust star puddles bright 
Feather fall
Black Sky
we need us those words to write our poems, and the words were
light, ice, run, fly, float, white, wite, stars, water, river mountain, feather, blue, fast, past, snow, puddles, bright, sunshine, burn, crusty, sky, black, beautiful. also we can add other words to mack our peom.

here is my information about my self

Saturday 21 September 2019

how does water vapor and evaporation contributes to climate change

Hi guys 
Today I have learned how do water vapor and evaporation contribute to climate change? Actually, it is good for the water cycle but when it gets too hot there will be not many water vapor on earth and other things was that when we have more water vapor than when they condensation together, then there will be many spots of rain around the earth, and the good things for that was we can have a lot of water.

Related image

Related image


Hi guys
Today I have learned HOW DOES ICECAP MELT AFFECT CLIMATE CHANGE? actually, on the earth, there were 14 million square kilometers of the icecap, now there was 70% of freshwater in the earth and that freshwater came from the icecap when more icecap got melted, that means the earth gets warmer, like water cycle, when more icecap melt then we got more water, and when the sun evaporation more water vapor water, then when those water vapor condensation together, so the cloud gets darker, then in every day was not sunlight comes from the sky, also when the ice melt lot of Antarctic and Arctic animals were have not home so they will swim to or ocean and there were be polar bear in th sea or somewhere, also there will be so many polar sharks\ in the ocean.

Image result for HOW DOES ICE CAP MELT AFFECT CLIMATE CHANGEImage result for polar sharkImage result for penguin

Thursday 19 September 2019


Hi guys
Today I have learned how does deforestation affect climate changes?  Do you know what, there was one thing in the world can change CO2 to oxygen, and the thing was tree!!!, you guys will think that was so amazing right, but actually trees can change CO2 to Oxygen, so the tree was like human, but human was sucked Oxygen in and breathe Co2 out and trees were different, the tree suck Co2 in nad breathe Oxygen out, but right now there were so many people cutting the tree and use them mack the table and lot of things, some people will say "so what? there was still so many trees around the world", yes there was a quarter of trees in the world, but there will still so many human cutting trees around the world. when we cutting more trees, then more CO2 will stay in the sky around the world, also when we mack the table or something we probably need to Brum them  and this is where the Co2 comes from, so the human who mack staff by trees was like cutting the "oxygen" and mack "CO2". also when there were many trees around, and when it was raining and the water from raining was going on to the tree and the sunlight will evaporation the water, then the water will change to water vapor, and when more water vapor goes up to the sky, when the water vapor is enough then it will be raining again, but if there were no trees, and when it was raining, then the water will go in to the ground and there will be not so much water vapor goes up to the sky, then it will be no so much raining coming. the video that shows the information about deforestation


Hi guys
Today I have learned how does climate change to the acidification of our oceans. Actually, there was about 30% of artificial carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean. and it becomes ocean acidification, and ocean acidification means lowering the pH in the ocean, so when human mack more CO2, then that means the acidification of our ocean is getting more and more and more, also this is a long-term change in seawater chemistry due to the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Also a big problem was that the corals can't build their shells also the acid in the water was degraded their shells even further, and that thing decreased the healthy of corals shells, maybe at the end-all of the coral's shells were being gone, so there is no any corals shells in the world, and also the human who relies on fish for food and economy was affecting our own livelihoods, because that the fish depend on coral shells also suffer. in the end, we are affecting the ocean, the climate, and our own life. also  at the 1080s was lower CO2 and right now was much more CO2 comes out and maybe further will more CO2 come out and the ocean will be no any fish and coral shells in there


Tuesday 17 September 2019

climate change

Hi guys
Today we have watched a video show, and this show is tolking about climate changes, also this is tolking about, what is going to look like at the 2040s.

What I would want 2040 going to look like?
I want to be more animals and more trees in 2040 because if we have more tree we have more fresh air, and if we got more animals we can play with them, and also I want there was a lot of flying car, like the car that can fly , and it didn't coat any gasoline, so it only coats electricity. The two things I have learned from this video was 1. how was the solar energy working, and we can mack our solar energy together.2. the other thing I have learned from this video was that how was intelligent helps us, so intelligent can help us by automated driving.

This is what I learned from this video, and this video was so fun, but it was so long.

Monday 16 September 2019


Aim: To learn about the rate that different materials  decompose

Hypothesis: Banana Bread Paper Styrophone  I think the bread was going to decompose the fasted.


  • Bananas
  • Bread
  • Paper 
  • Stylophone
  • test tubes 4x
  • test tubes holder
  • water

  1.  get four test tubes
  2.  to get a test tubes holder 
  3. get a piece of banana, and apices of bread, a piece of paper and a piece of the stylophone
  4. put four of the test tubes in the test tubes holder.
  5. put some water in the test tubes
  6. give to teacher



Stylophone cup


3 weeks
brownnothingnot mold 
white nothing not mold 
Stylophone cup
whitemold/water mold 
white brownblack / mold mold 

5 weeks
black and dark yellow blackmold
whitenothingnot mold 
Stylophone cup
brownnothingnot mold
green greenmold

Water Cycle


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


  • 2 x A4 zip lock experimental transparent plastic bags
  • Baking powder 
  • blue food color

  • 100ml water 
  • -a marking pen 
  • double-sided tape
  1. draw the water cycle on the bag 
  2. put water in the bag 
  3. put blue food clouring in the bag, zip up the bag 
  4. draw the water cycle on another bag 
  5. put water in the bag
  6. put blue food coloring in the bag
  7. put CO2 in the bag 
  8. zip up and give to the teacher


The Water Cycle
Acid Water Cycle
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 0 = none 
1 = small 
2 = large 

Conclusion:  Acid Water Cycle has not so much amount of water in there and the water cycle has an amount of water in there. those tow water cycle all cycle.

Friday 13 September 2019


Hi guys 
This is about food healthy


Healthy food 

You should eat healthy food, because when you eat healthy food make your body be healthy and make your body be strong, and won’t let you sick.and also give you energy. 
Unhealthy food 

Your body will be weak and you will may always sick, and you won’t get strong and you won’t let your body be healthy. 
Healthy food

 Don’t let other country people eat the different food because they may get ill and sick   
unHealthy food

Don’t let other people eat the food that they don’t want


Healthy food

When you feel hungry then you may eat some healthy food and you can supplement vitamin for your body
Unhealthy food 

When you feel hungry then you may eat some unhealthy food and you will get sick and your body will feel uncomfortable  
Healthy food

When you feel sad you can eat some healthy food then you will  feel better 
unhealthy food

When you feel happy you may eat some unhealthy food and then your body will sick and if you eat so much unhealthy food then you will ill 


Hi Guys.
Today period 2 we have played some games and the one in the game was sixteen, sixteen,  and it was boring, and we also have played a lot of game, the most fun game was coby cycle, first, we were setting in a cycle and then there was one people go outside and the people in the cycle were choose a people to be the leader, and then the other people in the cycle were coby the leader, then when the outside people coming, then he will standing in the cycle and trying to guess who is the leader, and the people who guess only have three times to guess.

At Tuesday we have mack our puppet show, here are my puppets, and I have mack my puppet for 2 days, and it was hard because I have ever never mack a puppet once, but it was still fun.

here is our puppet show

Thursday 12 September 2019


Solar energy  

Your choose
1.  Solar was the most good thing to get power, and coal was the most less thing to get power
2. The reason why Solar was the most good thing to get power, was that the solar energy s from the sun, and the is a thing that can stay in one places that for a long time.
3. the reason why coal is the most less thing to get power, was that the coal was not enough for us to get.
4. solar was not going to cost much money to buy, because solar only cost the sunlight.
5. coal was going to cost much money to buy because when someone found the coal under the ground then they will sell them 
6. the solar was the best thing the getting power from.

Wednesday 11 September 2019


At this term D.T. we have mack our own key ring and we have mack our own pen when we make our onw keyring, the mysterious we use was plastic, at first Mr tell us to go to mack our images on the computer and my image was "H", it was fun when we macking our keyrings because when we mack our keyring it was so exciting. and it only tacks me 4 days, but we have been mack this for 5 weeks.

Then when we mack our pan, we still use plastic, and we have been tack 4 weeks to mack our pen. it was fun too when we mack our pan too. first, we were mack our images on the computer, and it tacks me 20 minutes, then we were going in the wood room, and we are cutting the images out and we finished this work by 3-4 weeks.

this is what we do at those weeks.


Hi guys.
Today we were worki9ng at the outside class again, and we were all most finished our outside classroom, and we were clean the ground, dust, leaves, also we have picked up the rubbish and some wood. And my job is picking up the wood and put the wood behind the outdoor classroom, and it was hard, and the reason why it was hard when we clean the wood, was that the wood was so heavy and the wood was hurt you, when you don't be careful picking up the wood, and also the wood was very big, also there was a lot of dust on the wood. I was very enjoyed today because we can work together and we have almost finished our outdoor classroom, and it was fun. but I still got hurt by the wood, but it was still fun.

Tuesday 10 September 2019


Hi guys
 At this week drama, we have mack our own puppet and my one is Spongebob and I have mack a show about healthy eating.

Monday 9 September 2019

Solar Energy

Solar Energy 

Aim: To learn about how solar energy is used.

Hypothesis. I think black clouring is going to attract the most.

  • Water 
  • 1 W paper
  • 2 Black plastic bag
  • 2 Tinfoil
  • 1 Heat lamp 
  • 1 Thermometer
  • 2 clean cup 
  • 1 plastic cup 
  1. Put 1 white paper on the table and put a plastic cup on the white paper and then put the 5/1 water in the cup.
  2. Put 1 black plastic paper on the table and then put a clean cup on the black clean paper, and put the black plastic around the cup, then put the 5/1water in the cup.
  3. Put 1 tinfoil paper on the table, and put 1 clean cup on the tinfoil pepper, and put 1 tinfoil around the clean cup and then put 5/1 water in the cup.
  4. Set up the heat lamp.
  5. every 15 minutes check the temperature

Cup 1
Cup 2
Cup 3

now we know my thinking is right because the cup that uses the black paper use the attract the most heat.
Hi guys
At today morning Ella West has come to our school and she has talked to us about her new book and the name of the book was < Night vision > and < Rain Fall >. she also has talked to us about her a long time ago books, and she has published her old book in Australia, so she is not the top 10 of the writer in New Zealand, but we can see, she was the top 10 write-in Australia. and also she has written her first book for 3 years, and when she gives to the team that can help her publish the book, then after 2 months the team tell her to rewrite all things in her first book. but she has not given up, she kept going and finished her first book. After that, she has talked to us about the earthquake in 1869s, and he has written this information in her book.

The thing I have learned was how to write a nice book, and I have leaned some old information about the earthquake,
Image result for Ella WestImage result for ella west

Friday 6 September 2019

change & challenges

hi guys.
This week we have talking about food health and we have made our own puppet. We have made ur own puppet on Tuesday and we have drawn the first images on paper and then we have drawn the final images on the plastic bag, and my one was SpongeBob here is my puppet.

This week we have learned about food healthy, and we have learned what food is healthy and we learned how can we let our self be healthy. But we didn't down our puppet show because we didn't have much time to do it so we will finish my puppet show next week. And our LO for this week was I can perform using my voice. I can discuss how healthy eating keeps me physically healthy.

Thursday 5 September 2019

The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect

  • 1 plastic bottle x2
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda and Citric Acid
  • 1 heat lamp
  • 1 Thermometer
  • 100 ml of water
  • 1 rubber bung
  1. collect 2 plastic bottles 2 lamps and 2 thermometers from the teacher 
  2. set up booties and lamps beside a powerpoint on a flat surface.
  3. pour 100ml water and baking soda mixture into one of the bottles.
  4. start to record your findings taken from boots thermometers these most be excry 5 minutes 
Findings: The Greenhouse Effect Data 

Bottle 1: Water 
Bottle 2: CO2 Gas
0 minutes2121
5 minutes2520
10 minutes 2619
15 minutes2421
20 minutes 2422
25 minutes 2523

Monday 2 September 2019

Aim: To learn about the different activities float contribute to climate change

1. factories: making clothes, cars, electronics, and processed foods create a lot of pollution
2. cow: cows create a greenhouse gas called methane when they burp and fart.
3. electricity: electricity is a form of energy used to power almost everything in our homes.
4. landfill our landfill is growing and using up more healthy land.
5. transport: transport it is didn't have a problem but when transporting the car will be emission in the sky