
Friday 29 May 2020

Hi guysFor the past 2 weeks, I have chosen a  passion project, and search for some information, about my passion project.My passion project is basketball. The first NBA season started at 1946-50s, Philadelphia warriors become the fledgling league's first champion, the first NBA game tack place at Toronto Canada, the game was between New York Knicks and the Toronto Huskies. on October 12,1979, Chris Ford from Boston Celtics macks the first three-point shot in the NBA history.

Friday 8 May 2020


Hi, guys last week I have been working on this, and this is all about how to write narrative writing and some, some information about my story, and some vocabulary.

This is my story, my topic was action and adventure. 

Explore the Death Cave !!!

“Darwin! Darwin! Run! Run! This cave is about to collapse. Bang! Darwin hurry up RUN! Come on guys, hurry up!”

“Darwin are you okay? Darwin? Doctor! Doctor! Come, hurry up, Darwin is awake.” Garwin Darwin was amnesia right now so he can't remember where he comes from and who is he. Right now Darwin was in the hospital, and no one knows how he comes to this hospital and where he comes from.

4 days later, the police finally have found out where is Drawin come from and they also know how he comes to this hospital, the police found the monitor around the hospital, and they also knew that Darwin is a caver and he also is an explorer, so they think Darwin must when to the Death Cave. The famous cave right now was the DEATH CAVE the reason why this cave was is famous, was that at 20 meters around this cave are all black ground, and no flower no plant is alive. No one knows what is inside that cave, no one can see what is in that cave, the cave is as dark as the sky at night time, there is a lot of cavers explore Death Cave, but no one can come out of that cave yet, all the sounds you can hear from inside of that cave was screaming and crying.

2 days later Darwin was reading a newspaper, and it says about “The Only Person Come Out Of The Death Cave” and Darwin remembers that he was the one that comes out of the Death Cave, but he’s all team are all died. Darwin knows he can”t explore that cave anymore because he is sick, but he wishes to explore that cave again for his all team, just then Darwin's son Cavin comes, and Darwin think Cavin is a good person for him to help him explore the Death Cave (Cavin is also an explorer), but Cavin knows Death Cave is a very dangerous place he could die in there, just then Cavin’s best friend George come, and he is also an explorer, Cavin and George were best friends and they are also a good team, Goerge was so confident about explorer any cave, he is so courageous, fearless, spirited, and valiant, Cavin is a person who likes science and geology, and he is a very smart person, George and Cavin have explored a lot of dangerous and sacred cave, and Darwin knoews that they are a good team and want them to explore the Death Cave, also George wants to explore the Death Cave a long time, but Cavin allways doesn’t want to go but this time George and his dad all ask him to explore the Death Cave, then Cavin unwilling say "sure, I will help you to explore the Death Cave but this is the last time explore dangerous Cave."

1 week later they are ready to explore the Death Cave and Cavin has been read a lot of geology book that is written by the geology professor, so now Cavin knows what should do in the cave, and what should not do in the cave, so they are half saved, and they have found the Death Cave, for saving they want to explore that cave next day, because this cave is the most dangerous cave, and no one knows what is in that cave.

Next day morning they start to explore the death cave, first, they have thrown a rock in that cave, so he know how deep is the cave, 10 seconds later they hear the rock hit the bottom of the cave when they are at the bottom of the cave, they are frozen because they thought, it was dark and dangerous and not plants in the cave, but actually not, there is a lot of flowers and water, and a little waterfall, like about 5 meters, Darwin did not go in the cave, so he stays up, and he was scared of what is happening in the cave, and he Lardlly yell “Are you guys okay, what’s happening?”, and George hear that, and says “ we are fine, it’s so beautiful, and Darwi ask then to tack photos, so he can see what’s in the cave, just then when they are taking photos one thing has let them frozen again. They saw a large diamond Cavin wants that Diamond so he can sell that and get some money, so Cavin start to excavate the diamond, George did not expect him to excavate the diamond because if he gets the diamond the cave will probably collapse but, just then they heard something falling down, that was far away from them, so they can’t hear really well, but they are flurried and nervous, so they decided to go back up, just then one rock on top of there head was falling down, and almost hit them, and they have no choice, and no time to think, so they climb up with the rope, finally they have reached the top and they are saved.

Finally, Cavin and George have shown Darwin the photo, and Darwin has given George a lot of money, and they went back to the city, while on the road, Cavin was so exciting, because he has dug out the diamond, but when he looks in his jack, he can.t found it, and George tells him the diamond was falling down in the cave, right now Cavin was os disappointed, and absentminded, George knows why does Cavin want that diamond when they are at the city George give his ll money to cavin and George leave, and sadly Darwin died, the last sentence before he died, was "Cavin you are a good boy take care of your mom don't let her be lonely"

10 years later, Cavin did not tell his mom that Darwin died, and they use the money that George give him, travel around the world, and Settled in Germany, and George has explored more and more cave, and become a legend, and he ha written a book about how he explores every cave...

Math (Making ENDS Meet)

Hi guys, I have been working on this for two weeks, and this is all about math, and how we gonna use math every day, and this is a little bit about healthy, for example, apple is a healthy fruit, and hamburger, is unhealthy food.

  • Add & Subtracting fractions. when you sold add and subtract fraction, if you see the tow fraction's denominator are the same, then you just need to add or subtract the two numerators together. but if the denominator is not the same, the easy way is first to make the denominator the same, so for example, if the first fraction is 3/5  and the other fraction is 8/15, so first, we can make the small number to a large number, so what multiply 5 equal 15, is 3, so we can use 3 times 5, and also the numerator, so now the ow fraction has the same denominator, and now we can add them together, the answer is 17/15 also equal 1 2/15. 
  • Fraction of a number. when we sold, what is 1 third of 24, is basically using the division, so is basically 24 divide by 3, and multiply by 1. 
  • Multiplying decimals. multiplying decimals are the same with multiplying whole numbers, but you need to mack sue don't forget the "Decimal point" 
  • Fraction represents a part of a hole, the tow numbers in the fraction represent the numerator and the denominator, the number that is above the line is the numerator, and the number is under the line is the denominator.
  • Adding Decimals,, when we solve adding decimals questions, we need to mack sure write down the numbers, one under the other, with the decimal point, lined up, and don't forget that put the decimal point in the answer. 


What is LEVEL 2 All About 

  • As many people back to work as possible, and in a safe way.
  • We will only move to level 2 when everything is under control.
  • Even you just have a running nose you need to stay home.
  • You can let your family come to your house but, just in the small numbers of people.
  • Often wash the things you are often tough.
  • The government will manage the hotels for KiWi’s who come from across the sea, away from others.
  • The playground and gym, and swimming pool are reopened.
  • The school will not open straight when we get to level 2, but it will open the following week when we get to level 2.
  • Not close contact with strangers as little as possible.
  • “Play it save “ means 2 meters away from others as possible as you can but in your workplace, or place where you knew the people around, we can live with less because we can found them, and we can also found you.
  • Businesses can restart.
  • Hear dress, retail store, Caffe, can all reopen, at level 2, but they must play it save.
  • For the restaurant, you need to mack sure the people can sit, but as many people as possible to sit, so they are safely sitting, and we are safe too.
  • Not more than 100 people in a building, and not more than 500 people outside, for a big meeting or something.
  • Some of the spot clubs can be restart but the game needs to be as quick as possible